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7 Powerful Tips to Share Long Lasting Feedback during Training

Feedback during training?​

Feedback during training can be defined in multiple ways. The communication of evaluation or remedial information regarding a process, event, or action to the initiating or controlling source. 

Feedback during training is a response or piece of information that happens as a result of an individual’s or group’s actions or behavior. Positive and negative feedback are essential in a learning and development setting. Feedback encourages interaction and engagement and empowers students to take charge of their education. Effective feedback lets employees know where they stand in terms of performance and what they can do to improve.

Why feedback is important?​

Feedback during training is one of the most powerful tools that you can use during training when used correctly. Sharing effective feedback is one of the best ways to improve your trainees.

Giving feedback during training can help your trainees to understand better, keep them engaged and motivated, measure their progress, and provide guidance on how to improve.

Especially if you are training about a technical process or a complicated product, it is not usual that your trainees will learn everything in one go. Instead of repeating the same process multiple times, it is best practice to allow the trainees to do hands-on tool navigation and keep sharing their feedback to improve their performance. This is can be a very effective method to improve the navigation power of your trainees easily.

When giving feedback during training, it is best to focus on positive reinforcement and constructive criticism rather than being overly critical. Giving positive suggestions and advice will help your trainees stay motivated which in turn results in better learning outcomes. At the same time, providing clear explanations when something goes wrong can help them critically analyze their mistakes for future corrections.

You should also make sure that you give honest and timely feedback so that your trainees can quickly adjust or correct any mistakes they have made. This will ensure a smooth flow of the training process as well as a deep understanding on the part of your trainees about what has been taught to them.

Finally, remember not to get over-involved with feedback as too much information at once could be overwhelming for some trainees. It is important to find a balance between discussing successes and failures as well as having enough room for questions and self-reflection by the participants themselves.

7 tips for sharing effective feedback during training​

When sharing feedback during training there are a few key points you should consider:

1. Make sure the feedback is appropriate for the situation – different types of feedback may be more suitable for different contexts.

2. Provide specific examples – explain in detail what you are referring to when providing feedback so that it is clear and understood.

3. Be timely – provide your feedback promptly, as soon after the event or activity as possible so that it is relevant and useful.

4. Give constructive advice – give helpful and meaningful advice to help them improve, rather than just criticism.

5. Be clear on expectations – make sure everyone who is involved in a training session understands what you expect from them before they start the activity.

6. Keep an open dialogue – be open to having an ongoing dialogue with your trainees to help them understand the feedback and how they can use it.

7. Encourage dialogue – invite your trainees to ask questions and engage in discussions about the feedback they receive.

Implementing the feedback during training​

The entire purpose of sharing feedback during training is to ensure that the trainees implement those feedback during training for better learning. Here is how you can ensure that the trainees implement the feedback that you have shared with them.

1. Link back the feedback: During your training session, whenever you are getting a chance to recall or rephrase the same problem, always try to link it to the feedback that you shared earlier. This is not only a good idea to ensure that your trainees recollect the knowledge but also to ensure they will follow the same in the future.

2. Random check: Ask questions to your trainees to check if they can recollect the same process knowledge that was shared during the feedback session.

3. Activities: Do an activity or mock practice with the trainees around the feedback shared during training to see if they recall and implement the feedback.

4. Discussions: Have discussions with the trainees on how they are implementing the feedback in their day-to-day lives or jobs.

5. Reviews: Ask your trainees to give reviews of the training session and focus on how they implemented feedback shared during training.

By following the above steps, you can ensure that your trainees are retaining and implementing the feedback shared during training. This will promote a learning environment where everyone is encouraged to share their opinions and improve in an effective way.

How to make your feedback better?​

You can follow these 3 thumb rules to ensure that you are providing the trainees with exactly what they need.

1. Make sure the feedback is relevant – The most effective way of providing feedback is to make sure that it directly relates to an aspect of the task or activity that the trainees are participating in.

2. Focus on positives as well as negatives – When giving constructive criticism, be sure to also highlight any positive changes that have been made and how they could further improve their performance.

3. Explain why your feedback matters – Provide clear explanations for why your feedback is important and how it can help them develop better skills or refine existing ones. 

Doing this will ensure that your trainees understand what you are trying to say and can take steps to implement any necessary changes.


By taking these steps, you can provide effective feedback during training that will help your trainees improve their skills and be more successful!

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