Ownership and Accountability Free PPT Template [2023]

Ownership and Accountability Free PPT Template

Created by our expert trainers and instruction designers, the Ownership and Accountability Free PPT Template not only includes a well researched content but also includes activities that will help you engage your audience and simply wow them. This engaging content not only increases the NPS (Net Promoter Score) of your agents but also makes them accountable for their actions during an interaction with the customers.

Ownership and Accountability Free PPT Template

What is Ownership?

Particularly for non-native English speakers, the word “ownership” might be difficult to understand. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that everyone understands it in the same way. Teams typically use the phrase, therefore its absence stands out. Some people demonstrate too much ownership at times, while others do not.

Owning something entails accepting responsibility for it and being driven to complete it. This is vital because it makes it evident that the activity cannot be finished in the allotted time, according to plan, or to the team’s acceptable standard of quality. Being proactive and raising difficulties or possible problems early on in the process are examples of ownership in action. The alternative, though, is to wait until the deadline to voice concerns.

What is Accountability?

Accountability transfers ownership and responsibility from the person to the team, so when someone assumes responsibility, they are held accountable by their coworkers, teammates, and managers. It is advised that teams think about the behaviours that can best represent responsibility, ownership, and accountability in order to better grasp these concepts.

It’s necessary to connect certain behaviors to outcomes, feedback loops, and advantages. How these elements can be connected in real time for team members and leaders will be discussed in the following article.

How to take ownership

Taking ownership in customer service means taking full responsibility for the customer’s issue or problem and seeing it through to a satisfactory resolution. Here are some steps you can take to demonstrate ownership in customer service:

  1. Listen actively: Pay close attention to what the customer is saying and ask questions to clarify their concerns. This shows the customer that you care about their problem and want to fully understand their situation.
  2. Empathize with the customer: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand how they feel about the issue. Show them that you understand their frustration and are committed to resolving the issue to their satisfaction.
  3. Take action: Once you have identified the issue, take ownership by taking action to resolve it. This may involve reaching out to other departments or team members to gather information or resolve the issue.
  4. Communicate on a regular basis: Throughout the process, keep the customer informed by providing regular updates on what you’re doing to resolve the issue and the anticipated timetable for resolution.
  5. Follow up: Once the issue has been resolved, follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome and to see if there’s anything else you can do to help.

Download the full Ownership and Accountability Free PowerPoint Template from here. For more free resources, please check out the free resource page.

Ownership and Accountability Free PPT Template

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